The Da Vinci Players are the resident student theatre company at Leonardo da Vinci K-8 School
They produce one Shakespeare play each spring using 7th and 8th grade actors from LdV
The play is chosen according to the season at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival in Ashland, Oregon
In June of each year, the Da Vinci Players travel to OSF to see a professional production of that year’s play
The participants go through a two-day audition process that includes memorizing a one-minute monologue and doing cold readings and scene work from the play
Rehearsals run for an average of 4 days a week for 8 weeks
In addition to actors, we also use students as light and sound techs, stagehands, and to build sets and props
By the time a show opens, the cast and crew are well versed in what it takes to put on a full scale theatre production
DVP works in cooperation with and as an extension of the OnStage/OffStage after school theatre program
Most of our students have taken acting classes through OnStage during grades K-6, and they come to us “stage ready”
The DVP Shakespeare production is, for many students at LdV, the culminating showcase for many years of theatre training through OnStage
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